Update: The paractice remains under open during the current pandemic



Our Services

Parent and Children obtain support in psycho-education.
  • The child is empowered in developing important skills through
  • Psychosocial Rehabilitation
  • Social skill
  • Impulse control Strategies using an age appropriate systems to improve overall functioning.
  • Additional collaboration with Multisytems and recourse if necessary such as case management and medication management support.
  • Developing pertinent skills in coping with anxiety and alternative strategies to reduce anxiety provoking situation
  • Building a toolbox of skills for all the situations.
Family systems approach is used to develop and improve communication strategies when coping with loss and grief and other Life's waves. Parenting Training support and Education provided to Families.
  • Developing coping strategies for school related issues along with academic support and social support when necessary:
  • Attending IEP and 504 meetings for improved support and overall social and academic functioning
  • Collaborative Researched Based Clinical services for Children and Teens in School Based System to meet social development and academic success.
  • Developing necessary skills to overcome depressive symptoms
  • Psycho education provided on coping strategies
  • Collaboration with medication management when necessary.
Trauma informed approach based on adult or child need:
  • Reprocess trauma systems
  • Improve coping strategies and efforts to regain normal life functions.